
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Birthday Girl...

The best thing about having a birthday - and no, getting one year older certainly isn't - is getting all these nice things - and my sister making a cake a for me! I know how little she likes baking so it's kind of a sacrifice on her side. But she absolutely outdid herself this year. Although I love making all that fancy stuff, when it comes to eating I like it simple and fruity. I totally love the cake!

 with candles

 ready to eat...

 a closer look to the inside

And here are some pics of the lovely things I got. A lot of Russian and Uzsbekistan and Kirgistan related things. For those who don't know yet: I'm going to Central Asia (Kirgistan, Kasachstan, Uzbekistan) for one month this summer, travelling around with my friend Ines. You guys certainly know I'm a bookworm... Also got some money to stock up my travel budget... ^_^ Thanks to all of you! It was a great night last night!

And getting up this morning was really great too. My sister arranged everthing on our dining table, including the cake and her present. I felt happy like a little child...

gift table

beautiful flowers from my sister's boyfriend

Kirgisian love stories and a handmade travel journal

more books... Russian and Spanish stories

 cookbook from the times of Ludwig II.

 my ticket to the Onegin ballet in Bratislava

cupcake-shaped kitchen timer and more Russian stories...
and Polish vodka in the background...

 salt & pepper in porcelain Matrioshka style

travel budget supplement from my sis and her bf

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